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How to Get a Promotion at Work

How to Get a Promotion at Work

In this article, you will learn how to get a promotion at work. When thinking of how to get promoted you may overwhelm yourself with needless effort.

Learn exactly what steps you need to take to gain the attention needed to become promotable.

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How to get promoted at work.

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How to Get a Promotion

We all come to a point where we desire more income. Reasons vary but the desired outcome is the same – you want more money.

I will show you exactly what you need to do to achieve your goal.

Take this information and apply it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What is an Employee Promotion?

There are two types of promotions: those with monetary value and those without.

Merriam-Webster states that a promotion is:

  1. :the act or fact of being raised in position or rank
  2. :the act of furthering the growth or development of something

The truth is, both of these can hold monetary value. If you are asking for a raise you must be willing to perform more actions.

You must be willing to provide the employer with added value. This is key to gaining a monetary raise.

Increased responsibilities now – provide more opportunities in the future. Always be willing to accept more responsibility. It will increase your employability elsewhere.

Why is Promotion important for employees

MensCosmo reports upward mobility is beneficial for five reasons…

***The link to this Menscosmo is no longer active but can be accessed via Wayback Machine.***

  1. Helps Employee Retention
  2. Saves Costs
  3. Reduces Employee Resistance
  4. Increases Motivation
  5. Improves Company Image

All these are why a company should promote within. The only objection would be the pool of employees to choose from.

Keep reading to learn how to stand out!

How Can I Get Promoted at Work Fast

By following some tips and advice below, you will learn how to get promoted quickly and without needless effort.

How Do You Beat a Coworker for a Promotion at Work

There is nothing wrong with friendly competition. A competitive edge is what makes the difference.

Keep reading to learn how to win!

There are 3 simple steps to beat a coworker for a promotion: observation, mimicking and burying.

Observe the Competition:

Take time to observe what your others are doing. If someone was recently promoted, take note of what actions led to their success. Take note of high-speed employee’s coworkers.

Write down notes on what others are doing to stand out.

After you’ve compiled enough information, analyze the following:

Competition    You
Mimic the Competition:

You’ve compiled your notes. Think about what you can do to mimic the actions of your competition. What are their strengths? Are you at their level or do you need to make improvements?

Bury the Competition to Get Promoted at Work:

Once you are performing at the same level, attack! Now it is your chance to ask for more responsibility, take courses or volunteer to assist others, according to Liz King of NetCredit.

The goal here is to overwhelm the competition.

Don’t just do what they do. Do MORE!

By following this simple plan you can easily get promoted fast and beat out your coworkers.

How do I Talk to My Boss about Career Growth?

Katie Douthwaite Wolf, of theMuse, tells us that talking to your boss may seem intimidating, but it’s really not. They are humans just like you. To break the ice ask to meet with them because you are interested in their story. How did they get to where they are?

This has worked for me in the past. Everyone loves to gloat about themselves.

Before this, there are four things you must do: Plan, Listen, Present and Receive Feedback.


Think of everything you have done to date. What actions are you taking on your own to increase your professional life?

Make an outline with a few bullet points to show what you are doing for the company.

I recommend the use of the C-A-R bullet point style. It is succinct and to the point.

C- Challenge

A- Action

R- Result

It looks like this…

  • [C] Inventory continuously understocked, [A] implemented tracking software to identify when to resupply, [R] key products consistently on hand for customers/ increased sales.


Open with a huge sense of gratitude for the opportunity to discuss this further. Get the employer to open up about themselves. Take notes intently.


Talk to your boss about what you are doing for the company. Mirror anything they have talked about and provide like-minded actions.

Let them know you are not just a 9-5’er. You are here to work.

Get them to know your career plan and what path you want moving forward.


After doing the above, ask them for feedback. What would they do if they wanted to be promoted? What do they want to see out of a potential candidate? Is what you’re doing in-line with their expectations?

Can they identify any weaknesses you need to work on?

In the end, you can do the actions but they have the power. Listen and learn about what THEY want.

How Do You Tell Your Boss You Deserve a Promotion?

Talking to your management may seem rough at first. Just follow the tips below on how to bring a solid case for your promotion request.

Maintain confidence, the rest is easy!

Convince Your Boss You Deserve a Promotion

Quite simply you have to be willing to give in order to receive. There are times when the company is not financially able to promote. Don’t be hindered. The time will come when promotions are available.

In order to convince your boss you deserve a promotion you MUST:

  • Create Value for the Company
  • Take on More Responsibility
  • Exceed Expectations
  • Showcase a Steady Track Record of Success
  • Do Not Shy From Challenges
  • Volunteer for Assignments and Projects
  • Create Strategic Partnerships
  • Hone Your People Skills
  • Be a Champion for Management’s Directives

By focusing on these vital elements you can easily convince your management – you are the one they want on their side.

What to Say When Asking For a Promotion

Whether verbal or written, you are crafting a sales pitch. Look at this as an opportunity to create a new resume.

Here’s how to ask for a promotion step-by-step:

  1. Review Job Boards for Similar Jobs
  2. Focus on Key Qualifications
  3. Outline How You Qualify
  4. Draft Email or Talking Points with Your Qualifications
  5. Sell Your Proposal by Including Current Work Achievements
  6. Ask For Feedback and Critiques

This is how you can ensure you are better than anyone who is simply stating “I deserve a promotion”. Too often this is asked without any substance to back the claim.

My goal is to get YOU promoted at work fast!


I fully believe by implementing a portion of this article, you:

  • Can talk with your employer about career growth prospects
  • Ask for a raise with full confidence
  • Skyrocket your promotion potential

Your future depends on your actions. If you truly want to get promoted at work, reread this article and implement each of the steps listed! You have nothing to lose! Keep reading through the FAQs or visit our professional career blog for amazing tips and content.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What are some tips to earn a promotion at work?

You may think hard work is simply doing your job. Realize your day-to-day work is only 20% of what you should be doing!

To earn a promotion you should be focusing on improving processes, identifying issues and providing solutions.

This is how you truly get ahead.

Which books should I read to get promoted at work?

There are a number of books available but I recommend:

  • Think and Grow Rich
  • The Richest Man in Babylon
  • The 4 Hour Work Week
  • Luck Is No Accident: Making the Most of Happenstance in Your Life and Career
  • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
  • Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ
  • Extreme Ownership How U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win

I 100% believe with these books in your arsenal, you can succeed!

How should you go about getting a promotion?

  1. Start with a plan.
  2. Identify what others are doing and emulate their path to success.
  3. Strategically plan your workload.
  4. Always under-promise and over-deliver.
  5. Identify areas under your control to implement streamlined processes or fix problems.
  6. Finally, demand attention.
    1. This can be done by ‘back-briefing’ your management or CC-ing them in vital email traffic.

How do you get promoted when managers don’t seem to notice you?

Management is busy. Your hard work may not get recognition. It is your job to brief the management of your actions.

This doesn’t have to be a full detailed report. Simply pull from the headlines. Angela Copeland, of LiveCareer, tells us to always quantify your results.

Try an email or conversation like this:


You noticed product returns seem to be increasing. You start tracking the amount and find the business is losing 12% of sales due to the issue. After speaking with the vendor you find the shipping department is using insufficient packaging. You coordinate with the shipping department to resolve the issue.


[Insert Manager name], the recent sales slump of 12% has been resolved.

  • Issue: Insufficient Product Packaging
  • Resolution: I coordinated proper packaging for products

We should be seeing a return on this effort shortly.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly.

How do introverts get promoted at work?

Introverts are amazing resources! If you are one – you are a strength to the organization!

I am an introvert.

Introverts hear, see and know things others don’t. As one, you must be willing to analyze what you can and find solutions to issues.

You must overcome your unwillingness to self-promote. Start slow.

Try email briefs first, then work your way to face-to-face conversations.

If you’re not sure what to say, talk to a close friend or relative about a scenario you have. They can help you phrase what you are trying to communicate.

Never be too shy or feel guilty for asking for a promotion.

If you’ve done the work – get the credit you deserve!

How far would you go to get promoted?

I am assuming this question is asked with ethical and moral standards. How far you should go depends on your situation.


Married individuals or those with children may be less willing to give up their free time.

I will say the more you sacrifice, the more you will benefit. This doesn’t have to be extreme, though it was in my case.

I was married with a baby on the way. I worked full time, went to college and gave up some of my weekends working for free.

This isn’t to suggest you must do the same. I had a very understanding partner that knew I was on a path for something larger than we had.

Even minor sacrifices can lead to something better. Everyone can give up 1-3 hours a week. Use this time to take online courses, volunteer, work overtime, network.

Each of these things will give you a leg up.

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